

PARENTS: IMPORTANT GERMANTOWN MASJID ACADEMY UPDATE We are a full time Islamic School consist of Islamic studies and secular academic studies. The Islamic studies curriculum is going to be created and implemented by Germantown Masjid Board. The instructors for Islamic Studies are selected by the Board. The instructional support for the Islamic studies is provided by the school director Omar Ganz, B.S. Ed., M.A.-LLSS, who…


School Registration Germantown Academy 2015/2016. Limited Spaces So Please Hurry

Assalamu Alaykum Attached is the application for the Germantown Masjid Academy: gtacademy_Regform_FINAL_COPY Please hurry to avoid disappointment. Here are some important instructions: People will be filling out, dropping off the applications and will pay at the center by their own devices  or if the center has a computer for them to use It is only for grades 2-7 Payments are made by Paypal only Tuition…


Germantown Masjid Academy

We are pleased to announce the new: Germantown Masjid Academy Registration will start on April 1st and run until April 30th for the 2015/2016 school year. We will be opening registration for grade levels 2nd-7th for the first year.  The school is tuition based at $350 monthly. Spots will be open for 20 boys and 20 girls and future spots will be open depending on…