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Khutbah: Lessons from the Two Sons of Adam: Islām Condemns France Massacre

This is a sermon that clarifies the Islamic position on murder and terrorism from the story of the two sons of Adam.A khutbah delivered on Jan 9th 2015. By Shaykh Hassan Somali Germantown Masjid · Lessons from the Story of the Two Sons of Adam by Shaykh Hassan Somali

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Shaykh Sālih al-Fawzān: It is allowed for Muslim countries to cooperate with non-Muslim countries to capture the terrorists

In the name of Allāh, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy cooperating with non-Muslims to stop the terrorists Part 1 It is allowed for Muslim countries to cooperate with non-Muslim countries to capture the terrorists Al-ʿAllāmah Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān During my recent visit to Trinidad and Tobago, a number of questions were posed to me pertaining to ISIS/ISIL. I noticed that a few brothers were…

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Al-Allāmah Sālih al-Fawzān: “It is not permissible to sympathize with those who spread corruption in the earth.”

It is not permissible to sympathize with those who spread corruption in the earth. If the disbelievers seize them, then we know that this is their punishment from Allaah; that Allaah empowered the disbelievers over them as their punishment.