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The Necessity of Precision and Caution When Narrating Aḥādīth in the Social Media Era

Assalamu Alaykum In the name of Allāh, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy The Necessity of Precision and Caution When Narrating Aḥādīth in the Social Media Era Since the dawn of the Internet and the smartphone, a great amount of information is shared and broadcasted around the world. It is accessible to all people regardless of their piety, education and intelligence. This, undoubtedly, can…

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Khutbah: Lessons from the Two Sons of Adam: Islām Condemns France Massacre

This is a sermon that clarifies the Islamic position on murder and terrorism from the story of the two sons of Adam.A khutbah delivered on Jan 9th 2015. By Shaykh Hassan Somali Germantown Masjid · Lessons from the Story of the Two Sons of Adam by Shaykh Hassan Somali