First Saturday of the Month
11:00am EST, 4:00pm UK
Taught by Shaykh Jameel Finch
Class: Tafseer of Surah Yusuf
Taught by Shaykh Hamzah Abdur Razzaq
Class: Forty Ḥadīth Concerning the Major Sins
Germantown Masjid · Forty Hadīth Concerning Major Sins Indeed all praise is due to Allāh. We praise Him, seek His aid and ask for His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allāh from the evil of our own souls and from the evil of our wicked actions. Whomsoever Allāh guides, then none can misguide; and whomsoever Allāh misguides, then none can guide. I testify that none…
Class: The Book of Faith from Sahih Muslim
Every Friday Approximately 7:00pm EST, 11:00pm UK Taught by Shaykh Hamzah Abdur Razzaq Germantown Masjid · The Book of Faith from Sahih Muslim
Khutbah: The Angel of Death is Definitely Coming
Beneficial Khutbah by Shaykh Hamzah Abdur Razzaq
Khutbah: The Evils of Drugs and Intoxicants
By Shaykh Hassan Somali Germantown Masjid · The Evils of Drugs and Intoxicants by Hassan Somali
Islam’s Condemnation of Racism, Police Brutality & Injustice
Germantown Masjid · Islam’s Condemnation of Racism, Police Brutality & Injustice Verily Allāh commands that you render back trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with Justice Nisa: 58
Class: A Comprehensive Guide for the New Muslim
Taught by Anwar Wright
Class: A Women’s Guide to Raising a Family
Taught by Jameel Finch
A Women’s Guide to Raising a Family
1st Saturday of each month
Time: 12pm
Taught by Jameel Finch