
In light of the current city guidelines (yellow phase), we would like to make the following announcement concerning Jum’ah:

  • The Khutbah will begin at 1PM sharp – inshā Allah – so the doors will open at 12:45PM.
  • The Prayer and the Khutbah will be approximately fifteen minutes long.
  • Due to the spacing guidelines, there is a limited amount of space, which we anticipate will fill quickly. Once this space has filled, no one will be permitted to enter the Masjid.
  • Brothers are advised to use the bathroom and perform Wudū prior to coming to the Masjid.
  • During this phase we request from our noble sisters to pray at home, as Jum’ah is not obligatory upon them. They can listen to the sermon via Mixlr.
  • We also ask that young children remain at home.
  • The elderly, those with chronic conditions or flu-like symptoms are requested to pray at home.
  • Bring your own prayer rug and take it with you when leaving.
  • Leave a distance of one meter between each person.
  • Face masks are required to enter the Masjid.
  • Please do not congregate after the Prayer.
