1st Saturday of each month
Time: 12pm
Taught by Jameel Finch
Class: A Women’s Guide to Raising a Family
Taught by Jameel Finch
Class: The Obligation of Opposing the People of the Hell-Fire
Ibn Taymiyyah’s: Iqtidā al Sirāt al Mustaqīm
Every Tuesday
After Maghrib (8:45pm EST, 1:45am UK)
Class: The Sickness and the Cure
The scholar, Abu Samh Abdul Dhahir b. Muhammad (d. 1370) mentioned that the first book through which Allāh guided him to the truth (way of the Salaf) was: “The Sickness and the Cure” of Imām Ibn al-Qayyim May Allāh have mercy upon both of them & all the scholars of the Sunnah Germantown Masjid · The Sickness and the Cure by Imām Ibn al-Qayyim
Class: Explanation of Selected Ḥadīth from Riyadh al-Sāliḥīn
Using commentary of Imām Ibn ‘Uthaymīn & Ibn Bāz
Time: EVERY DAY 8pm EST while Masjid is closed
Taught by Hassan Somali
The Book of al-Riqāq
(Softening of the Hearts) From Saḥīḥ al-Bukhārī Workbook
Explanation of the Introduction to al-Fatwa al-Hamawiyyah
Taught by Anwar Wright
Class: Selected Hadīth of the Prophet Concerning Matters of Belief and Methodology by Shaykh Rabee’ al-Madkhalī
Selected Hadīth of the Prophet Concerning Matters of Belief and Methodology by Shaykh Rabee’ al-Madkhalī
Taught by Anwar Wright
Text for Al-Sharī’ah of al-Ājurrī
Benefits from the Story of Mary (Maryam), the Mother of Jesus
By Shaykh Hassan Somali Germantown Masjid · Benefits from the Story of Mary by Hassan Somali